BlueCielo Meridian Project Portal 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with folders > Exporting subfolders

Exporting subfolders

When you need to re-create the subfolder structure in a new folder similar to an existing folder, you can export the structure from the existing folder and import it into the new folder. Only the subfolder structure is transferred, not documents.

Note Meridian Project Portalexports the subfolder data to a single .csv file. The .csv file is exported with the ISO 8859, Latin character set to ensure compatibility with Microsoft Excel.

To export subfolders:

  1. Open the property page of the source folder as described in Viewing and editing folder properties.
  2. On the ribbon, in the Import/Export group, click Export subfolders. The file downloads to your computer.

You may now import the subfolder structure in the destination folder as described in Importing subfolders.

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